
2016-01-28 13:46:35   

英国网友热议:中国这口大井 The great well of China
Even the Middle East’s poorer countries offer a fertile market for cheap Chinese wares. In 2013 Xi Jinping, China’s president, proposed reviving the Silk Road, an ancient trade route linking China to Persia and the Arab world. Chinese cars crowd the streets of the Egyptian, Syrian and Iranian capitals. Chinese-made clothing, toys and plastics are ubiquitous. China sells a lot of small arms too, according to the United States Institute of Peace, a think-tank in Washington, DC.

hedgieJan 20th, 04:39
Tottering towards economic implosion and yet stepping into the vacuum of global leadership by writing checks to satisfy the vanities of indeed a great "foreign policy" President.
Unfolding like a textbook of the lessons unlearnt from Japan's lost decades with humongous loss of its foreign reserves. At least Japan misused its Reserves to uphold internal collapsing soft infrastructures and has been a lesser "command and control" economy.
Kudos to this depletion of reserves for the President to bathe in the warm floodlights in the global stage. Global markets watch in glee and pray that all the ego trips fast translate to realities and not just rhetoric.


guest-oowneeoJun 26th 2015, 06:17
Nobody is altruistic. As a Chinese, I could see that there are countless social problems that should be dealt with. China must protect its own interests before minding other countries ' business.


east windJun 25th 2015, 12:57
...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE...and I mean "anything"....
The USA is now the world's biggest oil producer
The USA may want to look for big buyers of oil as its customer --- after all the USA needs trillions of $$$$$$ if it wants to rebuild its economy
...HEY LOOK !!!!! ..."there is a big customer right there--- rrright....China of course...
Will American oil producers be looking at China as a big customer soon---.......well, you betcha .......


guest-oowainjJun 23rd 2015, 12:08
Chinese are cunning. They get oil & gas from ME without spending a coin, while stupid USA & Europe spent tons of money for stabilising ME but got only "hot air" from people of ME.


Blossomingin reply to guest-oowainjJun 23rd 2015, 13:10
The USA and europe got more than that
But now it is all hard work agree.
China definitely the winners they played very smart


Collapse replies
guest-oowamsaJun 23rd 2015, 09:44
China is going to be worst off if the collaboration with ME continues. The worst has yet to come yet. China should work with Europe and America.


happyfish18in reply to guest-oowamsaJun 24th 2015, 02:02
We still do not know whether Xi will collaborate with Israel or Lebanon or Syria in One Road One Belt strategy into the Mediterranean. Obviously working with more European partners will make sense.


Fuduoduoin reply to guest-oowamsaJun 25th 2015, 20:07
To work with Europe and America to make ME a hell for the middle east people so that Israel feels more comfortable and safe?


happyfish18in reply to Strait_ForwardJun 24th 2015, 02:08
It will be bad for dudes like Xi to get addicted to foreign Oil. With the economy slowing down, China should invest
more in domestic renewable energy, charging stations and electric cars instead of building more and more foreign
pipelines and oil terminals.


Strait_Forwardin reply to happyfish18Jun 24th 2015, 06:50
I think China does invest a lot in renewable energies. Given its size, however, I also think it is unavoidable for
China to depend partly on petroleum in the short to mid term.
Given the Middle Eastern reality, China would better seek oil sources other than the Middle East.
