
2015-12-23 14:28:52   

Chinese scientists have identified a newkind of rock on the moon. An unmanned Chinese lunar lander, launched in 2013,has explored an ancient flow of volcanic lava and identified mineralcomposition entirely unlike anything collected by the American astronautsbetween 1969 and 1972, or by the last Soviet lander in 1976.


Tim Rivett 27m ago
I'm surprised this doesn't get more attention.Perhaps NASA is just a whole lot better at public relations than the CNSA.



Shatford Shatford 2h ago
Still hard to fathom that there are peopleout there who still think the moon landing was faked.


rolloffdebunk 3h ago
What lava? That's melted cheese youamateurs!! It's summer on the moon now.


AllStBob 3h ago
“uniquecompositional characteristics.” Same people who write Chinese governmentpropaganda: "Capitalism with Chinese characteristics" was how theydescribed Hong Kong. Those poor moon rocks will never know the light of freedomnow.


Sam G 3h ago
The Chinese are taking over the moon!!!



EarlofSandwiches 3h ago
Everyone knows the moon is made of greencheese, but now we know it's made with unhomogenised milk.


Timelooper 3h ago
I'm surprised that the Chinese haven'tdeclared the Moon a suburb of Peking.


frombrussels 5h ago
....What puzzles me and many others with me: WHY don t they just send people up there ?? It was a piece of cake in thesixties and seventies, so why not NOW when technology has advanced 1000fold ??Unless of course the Apollo program was one big lie....Was it ?


IrishinToronto frombrussels 5h ago
It's still a lot more expensive anddangerous to send people. Since technology is in fact much more advanced, whynot just save money and send robots?


kevink frombrussels 5h ago
You have to bring people back alive. Thatadds a huge amount of cost and complexity.
