中国加入SDR :美网友惊呼这是美元终结的开端
2015-12-01 11:57:45
The International Monetary Fund welcomedChina's yuan into its elite reserve currency basket on Monday, recognizing theascendance of the Asian power in the global economy.
The yuan, also known as the renminbi, willjoin the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen and British pound next year in thebasket of currencies the IMF uses as an international reserve asset.
Concerned 6 hours ago
The beginning of the end to the US dollar.
Learn from History 6 hours ago
You have got to be kidding me. The IMF isadding the yuan??? Who did China pay off at IMF to make this happen? ChristineLagarde? China manipulates their currency more than any other major power, andthe IMF adds them as a "reserve asset"???!!!
Seth 6hours ago
This should have happened a few years ago.China is the second largest economy in the world, why wouldn't they beconsidered a reserve currency?
Scott 6hours ago
Of course, the NEXT STEP is to eliminatenational currencies to a single global currency. Controlled by the power madglobalists. Effectively enslaving the entire planet.
greg 2hours ago
These idiots have learnt nothing fromhistory! Saying that they have included the yuan in the hopes that China willliberalize their money markets is the most stupid thing I have heard for a longtime. Clinton gave CHina the free trade agreement in the hopes that it wouldopen up CHina and improve human rights and thats the excuse the IOC China theolympics and china grinned and said 'sure sure thing' then embarked on aprogram to harvest organs from political prisoners!
Good luck trying to get China to deal fairly on the international money marketsnow you idiots!
Eat The Rich 4 hours ago
The US is $20 trillion in debt plus another$20 trillion in personal debt both of which are growing every day. We are atrickle-down economy with 25% unemployment and 40% of our monopoly money GDPcoming from Wall Street and the fractional reserve banking system.
Capitalism won't last another 20 years.
bspear 6hours ago
With the support of the US. Obama is goingto destroy our dollar. That will make us less important throughout the world.Elite implies to making the Chinee currency as good as ours. Shameful actionsby Obamas cronies and Obama. We continue to be punished for electing him.
marc 6hours ago
Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock. The reckoning dayis near...............
mrjeffro 2 hours ago
now comes the deflated dollar and stockmarket crash of no less then 30%. physical irresponsible spending in our govtcaused this directly. welcome to socialism, in no less then 10 years. we havebeen beaten.. the only option we have is to tie the us dollar to somethingtangent like gold silver oil ect. if not were going to look like Greece in 20years.
anonimitie 6 hours ago
This sees awfully premature considering thecontrol the Chinese government exerts over its currency.
Joe 4hours ago
Here's an idea: Shut down the IMF, WorldBank, EX-IM Bank, Bank of International Settlements, IRS and the FederalReserve immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #$%$ criminals!!!!