
2015-08-21 14:13:42   

U.S. will pay for intimidating China and Russia


The U.S. will have to pay for its policy of, according to Melkulangara Bhadrakumar. The Asia Times columnist is confident that Russia and China will combine their efforts in order to not let the U.S. dominate.

引用亚洲时报专栏作家Melkulangara Bhadrakumar的观点:美国终将自食其所施(对华、对俄)政策的苦果。对中俄将共同发力以摆脱美国支配一事,Melkulangara Bhadrakumar深信不疑。

Washington's deterrence policy becomes irrelevant at the time when China and Russia are becoming the friends that can build relations with the EU no matter what the White House says or thinks. The U.S. cannot intimidate Russia and China. And for each such attempt Washington risks to pay a lot, the columnist concluded.


disqus_huFtNRU8Vs ? an hour ago
Why the US always want work against China and Russia and cannot work together with China and Russia who also make contribution to the world and especially to the developing nations?


buckterp disqus_huFtNRU8Vs ? 20 minutes ago
Here's their contribution…Russia supplies oil…WE use it for cars…the Chinese use it to make cheap plastic shift to send back to the Russians


buckterp aquarium7 ? 17 minutes ago
lol…we only care about the Chinese (only other superpower) threat, and maybe crazy people running Russia/Iran/Korea.


HERE'S a deal that the Chinese would jump at, and which might actually lesson the risk of two future wars: We tell China that they can have Taiwan, if they sell out N. Korea.


Little c ? 2 hours ago
Hahahahahahahaha. China and Russia are intimidated by US. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.


Mike Smith ? 2 hours ago
As long as we have Obama as president and anti-constitutional congressmen, we are weak, true, even with all our weapons. As much as I hate a lot of aspects of this country, I'd still rather live here under traditional American Constitutionalism than Chinese or Russian laws and therefore as a citizen, I want to see the USA survive. If either Donald Trump or Rand Paul get elected, Russian and China will have until January 20, 2017 to do what they want and then they will have to deal with a real American.
