
2015-05-24 14:48:14   


Chris (Town) Even India participates in Chinese silk road projects, it is unlikely for China to put India as the priority. There are over 60 countries, and China can leave India for the time being as it is not one year or two years project, it is min. decade or maybe 100 years project. China can focus on other priorities first, then come back to India later which is what India wants. Win-Win for both China and India. 即使印度参加中国丝绸之路项目,中国也不大可能把印度放在首位。 有60多个国家参加,中国暂时会把印度搁在一边,毕竟丝绸之路不是一两年的项目,至少是几十年甚或100年的项目。 中国可以先关注其他国家,回头再搞定印度。 这对中国和印度是双赢局面

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True Friend (Mumbai) PMs China visit made no progress. Investment announced may not see the light of the day. The same was the result of PMs Japan Visit and Obama’s India Visit. 总理访华并未取得任何进步。 宣布的投资也许不会见天日。 莫迪访日和奥巴马访印度的结果也是如此。

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Suneel Masur (Unknown) It is good for India as currently the farmers who are growing mulberry facing problem… no money……… less silk……… oh honey 对印度是利好。目前,种桑树的农民正面临问题,没有资金,产丝少…

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Vishwa Purohit (India) India expected some break through in boarder issue and support for permanent seat in Security Council of UN. China didnot budge even an inch inspite best efforts by our PM. Any way thing do move slowly in such matters. 印度指望在更广泛的问题上获得一些突破,指望印度入常得到支持。 尽管莫迪总理竭尽了全力,中国也并未做出哪怕是一寸让步。 总之,这种事情要慢慢来


Ravie (Chandigarh) Unless border issues are resolved, how can they expect business growth 除非更广泛的问题得以解决,否则怎么能指望商业上的发展。


Roja Mehra (Mumbai) nice 赞一个


Iyer Venkatakrishnan (Nashik) It is a good news for all the Indians, conveying the failure of India’s support to China for its so called “silk Project” It shows that India is having a very provident mind-set in protecting the India’s security/interest, etc. As per this article, the project is having proposition to traversing through POK’ which will be a chronic drawback to India. China cannot take India for ride over all its diplomatic strategies. 对印度人是好消息,传达了印度未能支持中国所谓丝绸之路项目的信息。 这表明,印度非常具有先见之明,注重保护印度的安全利益。 文章说了,提议的丝绸之路会穿过巴控克什米尔,而这对印度是弊端。 中国的外交战略不能绑架了印度。 Hat Goup (Israel) Every country wants to join Silk Road except India. This is India’s failure. 除了印度,每个国家都想要加入丝绸之路,这是印度的失败


Pramod K (Pune) Until the the trade balance which is highly tilted towards China is not made practical, business with China will also be seen with suspicion like we are always apprehensive of China’s action and approach. 只要印度对华贸易仍存在巨额赤字,这就是不现实的。 印度会带着猜疑的目光看待与中国的商业往来,正如我们一直忧虑中国的行动和做法一样。


G Ananthapadmanabhan (Bangalre) India is doing its best 印度已经尽力了


DiDi Wu (Chicago, Illinois) India not joining with the Silk Road project is like US not joining the AIIB. You think the Chinese will suffer economically? 印度不加入丝绸之路项目,类似美国不加入亚投行。 你以为中国经济会吃亏?


sridhar (INDIA) it’s a fight of influence and strategy. China one hand shows us gold and at the same time backstabs by investing in PoK. China can’t be trusted…. 这是争夺影响力的斗争。 一方面,中国向我们秀胡萝卜,另一方面又在背后捅我们一刀,投资巴控克什米尔。 中国不可信


Satya Paul (uae) replies to sridhar Rightly said! 说得对!


Jag Mohan (Delhi) Need to build more trust. 两国应当构建更大的信任


animesh p (Unknown) chinese leadership should find peace, otherwise the world will see another war.. and this time, it’ll be total disaster… 中国领导层应当谋求和平,否则世界会见证另一场战争,而且这次会是大灾难。


Ansh (EU) India’s view should be very clear since China is always in Favor of PAK and not India 印度的看法应该非常明确,中国一直支持的是巴基斯坦,而不是印度


K K (chennai) It is a strategic move needs study in depth. 这是战略性举动,需要深入研究


rajiv agrawal (LONDON) china failed to build trust….and it seems it lost big– in the bargain for future cooperation for sure…. 中国未能建立信任,在未来合作的讨价还价中似乎是输大了


keerthikumar (Bangalore) Strategy behind silk roads construction has to study in details, China is always have pre planning in it’s plans 丝绸之路背后的战略必须加以详细研究。 中国总是计划后藏有阴谋