
2015-07-23 14:34:55   

China and Taiwan inked a landmark deal on Monday that will see water pumped from the Chinese mainland to a Taiwanese-controlled archipelago, in another sign of warming ties between the rivals.


The agreement will see water pumped from China's southeastern province of Fujian to the 100,000 residents of Taiwan's Kinmen County by 2017.


Tony 10 hours ago
This is what happens when China makes nice with its neighbors instead of threatening to kill and steal.


George 10 hours ago
From this news to look Taiwan's / China's claims of SCS:
Who established the nine dash line in SCS about 70 years ago, it was Taiwan (official name Republic of China) China mainland and Taiwan are using the same historical background and the nine dash line to claim all the islets / shoals within the nine dash line. Actually China urges and supports Taiwan's claim of the SCS. China said both Taiwan and China have the responsibility to defend Chinese historical and traditional territory in SCS.


Texhaze 9 hours ago
Even with Taiwan's enhanced military capabilities, China could probably take them over in a matter of days, if not hours. Which begs the question "why haven't they done so already?" Are they afraid of getting into a war with the US? This fear doesn't seem to be a factor in their disputes with Japan, The Philippines or South Korea, all of whom have military pacts with the US. Are they afraid of the potential fall out from economic and trade sanctions? Doubtful since they already do a tremendous amount of business with countries that wouldn't participate in such actions against China, re: Russia, Iran and many other Eastern European and African nations. So, what has held China back since the civil war that ended in 1949 and resulted in the establishment of Taiwan, formally known as Formosa?


W 10 hours ago
Any positive development in the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China #$%$ off the anti-China forces.


LetsLvlup 9 hours ago
I wouldn't want water from China. Not in this lifetime.


John 1 hour ago
Taiwan will be indebted to China for supplying this water - and China will turn the tap off when it is not satisfied with what Taiwan does.Pure blackmail and that is the only reason for it.


JB 10 hours ago
Closer to peace? or like Ukraine found out, closer to takeover.


Vu 8 hours ago
Who can believe Communist Chinese tongue? it is double.


FEK 4 hours ago
China is making friends out of formal Enemies, while Americans makes new enemies out of formal enemies. That's why people like Abe in Japan is losing support among it's people. Selling source of life in water is much better than selling death and destruction in weapons
