
2015-07-05 15:12:56   


Rachel Corrie 10 minutes ago
In WW II, The Japanese military imperialists rampaged through Asia and tried to shove their vision of a Greater Asia (with the Japanese as masters) down the throats of other Asians. For those Asians who did not buy into their lies, they were trampled under the Jackboots. Japanese soldiers killed 300,000 when the Chinese in Nankin fought back; they killed until their crazed eyes were blood-shot with rage and hatred.Go to Wikipedia, search "Nankin Massacre" and read about the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperialists in Asia.


Despite the Nazee atrocities, the German government is one of the most democratic and transparent government in the world today. However, both the German government and the German people have genuinely renounced their Nazee past and acknowledged the wrongs that they had inflicted on the neighboring countires, yet the Japanese imperialists and aggressors are still revered and enshrined in war memorials and worshipped by government officials and the Japanese people today. (Imagine the Germans have a Nazee memorial to which high government official go and pay their respect every year) Japan has also been less than forthcoming in acknowledging many of the war crimes that it had committed in other Asian countries during the war (the grievances of the war comfort women come to mind) and there have been several attempts to backtrack on its apologies. This naturally makes other Asians question the sincerity of Japan in mending its wounds with other asian nations.


After the war, Germany paid reparations to various victim countries, in the forms of money, confiscated patents and intellectual/industrial properties and forced labor (by an estimated 4 million German POWs and civilians). In contrast, China, despite suffering huge damage and losses as a result of Japanese aggression, showed Japan unusual kindness after the war. All the Japanese soldiers and war criminals in China were give safe passage back to Japan. The were no Nuremberg styled trials or forced POW labor camps to detain or persecute them. Chiang Kai-shek waived reparations claims for the war when the ROC concluded the Treaty of Taipei with Japan in 1952. Similarly, when Japan normalized its relations with the PRC in 1972, Mao Zedong waived the claim of war reparations from Japan.


tomcib 43 minutes ago
The KMT was a bunch of thieves. That's why Truman stopped funding them. Read Barbara Tuchman's book: Joe Stillwell and the American Experience in China. Look at how much of China was still occupied by the Japanese in August 1945.


momotaro zamurai 27 minutes ago
Let's not confuse KMT and Taiwan. Taiwan was part of Japan since 1895 up to KMT's invasion in 1945. The "original" Taiwanese people fought the Great East Asia War as the Japanese.

咱们能不把KMT和台湾搞混好吗。台湾从1895年到1945年KMT入侵这段时间以来就是日本的一部分。 "正宗"的台湾人是以日本人的身份参与大东亚战争的。

After KMT's invasion, up to 30,000 Taiwanese civilians were massacred by the corrupted KMT army. Look up "228 Incident" in Wikipedia! Taiwanese people who were used to the Japanese system were so disappointed by the corruption-filled-KMT government. Even today, older Taiwanese people talk about the good old Japanese days.

KMT入侵之后,超过三万名台湾平民被腐败的KMT军队屠杀。去维基查"228事件"! 那些适应了日本制度的台湾人对腐败的KMT政府失望之极,老一代台湾人一直谈论着当年日本人在时的美好时光。

Howard 4 minutes ago
Hope Taiwan government will be as brave as those heroes in WW2 to defend its islands in East China Sea and South China Sea.


John J 10 minutes ago
"Taiwan stands up to China with World War II military parade"


RALPH JENNINGS, do you know anything about KMT, CCP, and China's history? If you do, you know the title itself is flaw...


Both KMT and CCP defended China... so how is Taiwan stands up to China when Taiwan is technically and constitutionally part of China?


S.X.M 3 hours ago
"claims that the Chinese Communists had directed the resistance against the Japanese. Mainland officials have argued that the Communists' advice and fighting skills were crucial to the victory." One fact as true as death and taxes: when a Communist says something. it isn't anyway shape or form true. History of course, shows that the Communists didn't have anything to do with fighting the Japanese. It was mostly various nationalist groups later backed by the USA. Sure is a crime that the China has more diplomatic allies than a free country like Taiwan


Jim 4 hours ago
"The war of resistance was led by the Republic of China and Chairman Chiang Kai-shek was the force behind it," Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said.


Both sides are erroneous on the facts. During WW2, the # of communists was small, and their resistance was minute.


The claim that KMT led by CKS defended China was not exactly true either. At that time, China was dominated by one party. Whoever fought against the japs was counted as a KMT even though he might not support CKS.


WR 3 hours ago
"..... the campaign that routed imperial Japan from China 70 years ago": China did not 'route' Japan from China. If you look at maps showing the territory held by Japan in 1941 and 1945, there is not a big difference. The Japanese were still in control over a significant proportion of territory at the end of the war. Best you can say is that they contained them and drew away some of the men and material that otherwise would have fought against us and the British.
