
2015-07-07 15:37:30   

China to Philippines: Let's sit down and talk


MANILA, Philippines - China is "still open and will be open forever" to bilateral negotiations to settle its territorial spat with the Philippines, Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua said yesterday.
Zhao's pronouncements came a day before a United Nations tribunal proceeds to determine whether it has jurisdiction over a case filed by Manila contesting Beijing's massive claim in the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea.
A high level Philippine delegation is now in The Hague to present the country's position.
"I think the best is to sit down bilaterally to talk. We need to resume our bilateral negotiation without any condition. I think this is the best way that we can discuss how to peacefully settle these disputes," Zhao told journalists at his official residence after the Chinese government donated books to the National Library of the Philippines, reported.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration, a five-man panel of judges, will start hearing oral arguments on the issue of jurisdiction until July 13.
"Our door for bilateral consultation and negotiation is still open and will be open forever," Zhao said.
The Philippine team is represented by Solicitor General Florin Hilbay and will be assisted by Paul Reichler of the Washington-based law firm Foley and Hoag.

菲律宾的代表团由副司法部长 Florin Hilbay带队,也会接受来自华盛顿特区的律师事务所的司法援助。


Meanwhile, Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said the Philippines is ready for the start of proceedings at The Hague.
"We can't talk much about it, but we are prepared for it," Jose told reporters yesterday.
In a position paper submitted last December, China questioned the jurisdiction of the international arbitral court over the case. The Permanent Court of Arbitration and not the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea is handling the case. With Beijing's refusal to take part in the proceedings, automatic arbitration has to be resorted to as required by rules.
The DFA said the Philippines would stick closely to facts in presenting its case against China.
"We try to make it as factual as possible on the way we see things, the objective of that is to raise awareness of our people on this very important issue," Jose said.
"If we get a favorable ruling from tribunal, to us it is a fundamental first step towards a peaceful and rules-based approach towards resolving the overlapping maritime claims in the South China Sea," he added.


Jose admitted that the DFA is not yet aware of the procedures of the hearing, although it does not expect China to make a presentation.
"Based on the position paper China submitted last December, it is questioning the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal over the case. Based on those points, China does not want to participate," Jose explained.
China has repeatedly criticized the Philippines for initiating international arbitration instead of holding bilateral talks to resolve the territorial dispute.
On Thursday last week, China called the case filed by the Philippines a "political provocation," a claim denied by Malaca?ang.
The DFA noted it was the Philippines that first initiated bilateral talks with China to resolve the issue, to no avail.
"We already tried to pursue bilateral talks way back in 1995 concerning the Mischief Reef. We tried to sit down with them. We exhausted all reasonable efforts to solve the issue," Jose stressed.
He also lamented that China was always setting impossible conditions for bilateral talks, and "they always say we have to recognize their indisputable sovereignty" over the disputed areas.
The DFA noted that the territorial dispute has to be settled by the six claimant countries, including China. A ruling on the Philippine case by the arbitral tribunal is seen to provide claimant countries a clearer direction in resolving the dispute.
Asked if China can be made to follow the tribunal's ruling, Jose emphasized there is no international law enforcement agency that can compel China to abide by the order.
"There is no international police to enforce. We would be relying on the international community," Jose said.
"We don't expect the tribunal to come out immediately with a decision. It may take a couple of months," he added.

llingstone888 ? 2 hours ago
Bilateral negotiations for China means let's continue talking while we continue expanding and building.


ReneV ? 2 hours ago
we should all welcome the desire for the chinese communists to talk... we will talk them with them in front of the United Nations International Court.


Oorah! ? 21 minutes ago
Two notorious trolls are trying their luck again here after being continuously moderated at another forum, PurpleDaisy13 & Hi banana republic! But most of the posters here reads also those other forums & are aware of their notoriety!

民主女神 ?Oorah! ? 19 minutes ago
they are called Wu Mao, paid government people of CHINA to monitor, confuse , influence, dissuade and conduct psychological warfare on forums.
Oorah! ?民主女神 ? 18 minutes ago
HAHAHAHA! They have this belief that they're convincing anyone! Cheers!

两个著名的弱智在别的论坛气氛缓和了之后又到这里浑水摸鱼。就是PurpleDaisy13 和Hi banana republic这两个货!本论坛和别的论坛的读者警惕这二位的脑残

民主女神 回复楼上
Oorah 回复楼上
Haha 5毛们已经相信他们有理有据使人信服!干杯

My Filipino compatriots do your part, remember that every product you buy that has "MADE in CHINA" or from Chinese Businesses are supporting the Economic
and Military power of China to oppress the Philippines.
Boycott Made in China Products NOW!!! Deny Service, Purchase and Selling
products to all Chinese Nationals you encounter today. Do your part or
else you will wake up one day being a slave of the Chinese.
Mabuhay ang Lahing Kayumanggi, Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!!!!!!


Hi banana republic ? an hour ago
We don't expect the tribunal to come out immediately with a decision. It may take a couple of months - C'MON
It will take days and Philippines hope will be jurisdiction...
simple facts : no country can make their claim base on the EEZ (international water)that is overlapping with many countries..... Dumbass


SC Kang ? 31 minutes ago
The problem for the Philippines is that they made a loud demand and for anyone that know being humiliated in public, won't accept a quick let's talk. That's being absolutely stupid by the Philippines from a protocol and relational stand point.
Do I agree with the Chinese moves to limit freedom of navigation and flight? No, not at all. They need to be met with a proper and tough show of force and resolve on the negotiating end. The Chinese will do power plays and now, there's flights and boats observing them.
Pedro_Penduko708 ?SC Kang ? 24 minutes ago
China thinks they can scare the shiyet out any asian country. That's where they are wrong.
SC Kang ?Pedro_Penduko708 ? 20 minutes ago
China is wrong about who they F' ing with the United States in their corner in the Philippines. By themselves, the Vietnamese has popped China in the nose and the Chinese ran. The South Koreans and Japanese have flown through the supposed Chinese Air Zones and the Chinese haven't said anything. The U.S. 7th Fleet and the Asian Nations will make the Chinese come to heel.
Hi banana republic ?SC Kang ? 18 minutes ago
the US 7 fleet can't even attack and defence themselves in South China Sea.....HAHAHAHA
Have U workout the ranch of the fighter jet yet ?
SC Kang ?Hi banana republic ? 13 minutes ago
They would make your junks go up in flames. I love those Tomahawk Cruise missiles targeting specific places or craft. Then we can send you to your god, CHAIRMAN MAO, who is burning in h3ll forever with Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pt, Kim il-sung, Ceausescu, and all those bad atheists.
SC Kang

Pedro_Penduko708 回复楼上

SC Kang 回复楼上
Hi banana republic 回复楼上

Jake ? 25 minutes ago
To make it an even playing field, the Philippines should become a nuclear state.


Pedro_Penduko708 ? an hour ago
What's there to talk about chekwa? You humiliated us by building sand castles in our backyard. OHHH .... you did that to make us realize that you are so POWERFUL that you can squash us like bugs anytime you like.
LET'S talk when you've become a little more civilized.
