中国:美国 1:0 不要让重返亚洲成为怨念

2015-04-23 20:42:50   


中国:美国 1:0 不要让重返亚洲成为怨念

背离中国是否明智?我会坚定不移的说不。正如亨利 基辛格所警示的那样,如果两个国家间陷入冷战,这“将会阻碍太平洋两端一代人的进步”。成为AIIB创始成员的限期已经过去了。现在应该改变思维。对于美国及如世界银行之类的机构,是时候考虑如何AIIB共舞。


Losing economic and geopolitical leverage in Asia. The AIIB is poised to have disproportionate access to fast growing investment and development funding opportunities in Asia. The opportunity costs of not participating could be quite high, with both economic and geopolitical dimensions.


The evolution of Asian infrastructure will be a critical enabler of growth in the region. Taking part in strengthening the region's fundamentals, like infrastructure, presents opportunities; this is, after all, widely considered to be the Asian century. Consider that three out of the four largest economies in the world in 2030 are expected to be in Asia; by 2050, half of the global GDP will come from Asia; three of the top six trading partners for the U.S. are in Asia and a fourth Asian country, India, has the potential to become the fastest-growing large emerging market in the world.


China is still far from participating in global issues in a manner proportionate to its economic heft. For example, in the recent campaign against Ebola in West Africa, China contributed a meager $120 million in aid and doctors, despite its outsize economic and business interests in Africa. In comparison, the U.S. spent more than $1 billion on Ebola. It is essential for the U.S. to find new ways to collaborate with China on multiple fronts and use its influence to encourage Beijing to become its partner in the face of global crises. The recent U.S.-China climate deal is a step in the right direction - but it's not enough.


Is it wise to pivot away from China? I would say an emphatic no. As Henry Kissinger warned, if a Cold War were to develop between the countries, it "would arrest progress for a generation on both sides of the Pacific."

背离中国是否明智?我会坚定不移的说不。正如亨利 基辛格所警示的那样,如果两个国家间陷入冷战,这"将会阻碍太平洋两端一代人的进步"。

The AIIB deadline has passed. It is time to think about it differently and for the U.S. and organizations like the World Bank and others to work out how to play with it.
