
2015-04-12 17:07:56   


With US army presence in the region this pointless fear of China is just for laugh…

China knows too well how to fight a war if they had too. Looking back into history from the 1890′s, China was bullied by many nations. They knows they had to be strong and they knows how was it like to bullied by the west.
US have fought too many wars but never win except to beat the Japanese. US did not even win the Korean wars, Vietnam wars, Middle east war let alone fight with the Chinese or the Russians. US can only bully the small nation, it is not even in good terms with its Southern neighbouring nations let alone police the world. US can only talk big with the bigger nation because of its inferiority complex.
我们打了太多的战争都未取得过胜利,除了对日本。我们甚至没有在朝鲜战争、越南战争中取得胜利,而中东的战 争,中国和俄罗斯让美国陷入孤军奋战。我们只有在有优势的情况下欺负一下邻近的小国,而南部邻国还有不少麻烦存在。现在要当世界警察,顾忌大国颜面也只能 动动嘴皮子了。


Bennet Ong
“China has declined to participate in the process of arbitration at any level. However, if the Tribunal determines that it is capable of satisfying itself of jurisdiction to hear the matter, it can proceed in the absence of China.”
Or in short there are no Particular International laws in China that should be followed for. Because if ever they will follow those laws, I’m sure they will be not became victorious. they are in denial and using power tripping to those small claimants.
All countries should just stop buying anything from China. This in return will bring back individual/country economies back to how it was. Let that Chinese bully fall on its knees.

Learn some histories, how US invaded & killed the Indians for their land … how the British, Portuguese, Japan invaded, slaughtered & conquered those faraway land.
Last, do u know how many Aseans /Africans had been kidnapped & conned into slavery by the EU/US before they are banned.
It all started when their countries are great & strong & their opponents are weak.
the theories goes the same as ‘Big fish eat small fish”.


I guess Obama saw this on the news.He’s about 6 years behind the times.China has been bullying for years.

Once those bases are established there’s no more stopping those Chinese to push farther. When that happens the’res no telling what else they could do. Our government still clings on to the national tribunal to negate China’s claim on those island yet Chinese are just riding along because they know this things takes time and while we wait for the much awaited judgement China is fast tracking its construction of forts in the said islands. We have been playing in their palms all along.

china knows it has no legal backbone to backup their claim that’s why they dont participate on the arbitration..so its inevitable that they choose to go the other way of strengthen their claim which is to project power by physical occupation, heavy military presence (with no navigational aid to be render on foreign ship in distress as what happen to small fishing boat of vietnam and philippines) and change the waterscape into an artificial land..as they well know territory goes by land before the sea..in order to get the territory they have to change the water into land since theyre sitting on reefs instead of dryland.

US is far more better than China, Im a Filipino. Chinese are constructing and claiming the Islands that belongs to us even its far from their Nautical Area. I just can’t understand why Chinese government continue doing it. If they want to be supported by other Asian Countries, they should first Act as a true leader is East, not bully us weak countries.
Bullying weak nations isnt promoting peace and sustainability in resources. China is just too greedy when it comes to resources, thats why they are hard headed and cannot accept the truth.
they cannot surpass US until they will know how to respect smaller nation and promote balance of resources and power
Is China trying to blindly imitate Singapore’s reclaim land project? It is very costly to reclaim land. Why do when they have so much ample space for anything. Instead of spending billions to construct a piece of small island, why not use it on the poor. At least 10% of China’s population are constantly in hunger/starvation state. Not known to many.

Nobody wants to go war, but if China is provoking it we have to defend our nation at all cost. although USA had done crimes as well on other parts of the world, it is good that they exist as super power to balance and maintain peace to those aggressor like japan did years back.

Let US fight China in the Philippines… If China win, they can have the South China Sea. If US wins, the Filipinos must let the US rule over Philippines. This is the only hope for Filipinos.

Maybe China is big and with lots of arms in its dispossal, but they lack the will to fight if came face to face with a determined less armed enemy like Vietnam. If three or even two of its smaller neighbor like the Philippines and Vietnam would dare to fight China head on armed only with determination to fight even with lesser arms, I can bet Chinese troops will run away scared, to their mothers back.

Concern is not enough. Haven’t the concern and the to and fro allegations been going on for years already? And did the US see China reduce its construction? No.
The US can do more, such as bombing China’s construction in the disputed territories. The US is the only one that can face off with China, before it becomes too late.

Those greedy dogs Chinese made enormous wealth by product imitations. Chinese are the masters of product imitations so they became wealthy.

China is already a world super power but that ‘s not enough for them. They want more and is claiming territories which don’t belong to them. To other super power countries I’m sure they will consider it as an act of war!
I hope the UN will intervene here!

Stephan S
perhaps economically but their naval forces are still quite small.They have one flat top U.S has 20

but it’s enough for china to bully neighboring countries.

IMe Myself
To those who spoke against USA: I am not too sure if you guys know what you were talking about. We Filipinos are nothing compared with China, we are almost have no arms and military power to defend our stand against China or I should say against any other country. China could have invaded us without difficulty if we didn’t have USA on our side. All our government can do is to resolve the issue by diplomatic process and we could not even influence the United Nations to take immediate and proper action on this matter. We should be grateful to the UNITED STATES … let’s accept it.
那些反对美国的人:我不知道你们是否知道自己在说什么。我们菲律宾与中国相比,没有任何武装力量能抗衡中 国,或者说抗衡其他任何国家。如果没有美国在我们身边,中国将会轻而易举的入侵菲律宾。我们政府能做得就是通过外交途径来解决,我们甚至不能影响联合国采 取适当的行动。在这件事上,我要感谢美国,让我们接受吧!

Travis Ken
With great power comes great responsibility and China is not acting responsibly!

Who says the powerful need to act responsibly? What do they owe anyone?

China only cut and paste , they dnt have own capacity, china goods cheap material, now