IS处决中国和挪威人质 网民:中国不会出手

2015-11-20 20:53:11   

Black SabbathNOV. 19, 2015 - 05:58AM JST
These two appear to have been kidnappedsolely for the purpose of ransom. No one paid up, so ISIS murdered them. As amessage to those who won't pay.
IOW, ISIS -- at least this branch of it --are just common criminals.


XenjyNOV. 19, 2015 - 06:01AM JST

And adding more countries to the list thathate them to boot.


lostrune2NOV. 19, 2015 - 06:02AM JST
Wow they're really trying to make enemiesout of everyone, while everyone else becomes angrier.


Noble713NOV. 19, 2015 - 06:28AM JST
Doing anything that might piss off China isbeyond foolish, IMO:
1: Due to the one-child policy, they've got"excess military manpower" in the tens of millions. That's a LOT ofpissed off men that they can effectively afford to lose in a war.
2: With the shaky economy, it's alwaysuseful to have an external enemy to rally against.
3: Joining the fight against terror wouldboost China's international influence without requiring a direct confrontationwith the US.
4: Like the Russians, the Chinese probablydon't give two cow patties about collateral damage.
So someone in Daesh is seriously droppingthe ball to hand the Chinese a casus belli on a silver platter.

1、 由于一胎化政策,导致他们拥有几百万的超额军人,惹毛了他们,他们有的是军人去打仗
2、 在目前经济不稳定的情况下,有了外部敌人,他们就可以团结国内。
3、 参加反恐战争将增加中国的国际影响力,而不用直接与美国发生冲突。
4、 和俄罗斯人一样,中国人可能不会给这两个人带去附带损害。

TumbleDryNOV. 19, 2015 - 06:42AM JST
The sooner we get rid of them, the better.


ThePBotNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:04AM JST
@Noble137 I still think China still won'tgo in Syria despite this. They are already aware of the dangers of ISIS, seeingthat they recruit Uyghurs. The leader of ISIS already threatened China, amongother countries, several months ago (maybe late last year). However, foreverything else you's pretty much on point. They'll use politics andplay this out.


gelendestrasseNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:08AM JST
Yeah, I agree, dragging the Chinese intothis is a big mistake by IS. Like Nobel says the Chinese can only gain byhitting IS now. Plus they'll get a chance to see how their hardware workscompared with the US and Russia so that is an advantage the probably won't Passup. Especially if that aircraft carrier is ready to go.


LagunaNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:15AM JST
I'd read that, at the suggestion of the US,pamphlets are dropped near fuel truck depots about 30 minutes before bombingbegins warning the civilian drivers to get out. This reduces civiliancasualties. Eliminating their ability to produce, transport and refine oilwould be a good idea.


thepersoniamnowNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:17AM JST
@Noble 713 and gelendestrasse
This won't necessarily drag the Chineseinto armed conflict. They have already endured worse by Islamic militants evenin the last year and did not respond militarily.


StrangerlandNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:26AM JST
Yeah, we'll see if the Chinese are stupidenough to get themselves into this.


ThePBotNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:34AM JST
Yeah, I agree, dragging the Chinese intothis is a big mistake by IS. Like Nobel says the Chinese can only gain byhitting IS now. Plus they'll get a chance to see how their hardware workscompared with the US and Russia so that is an advantage the probably won't Passup. Especially if that aircraft carrier is ready to go.
Less likely. Syria is too far away. I thinkthey'd prefer having their hardware in and around their nearby seas. Speakingof "testing their hardware", they technically are already. Theconflict in Syria has brought out some Chinese-made weapons used by bothAssad's forces and the rebels/Islamist, although I doubt the weapons were solddirectly to the rebels by China. But they will definitely up the rhetoricagainst radical Islam.


SuperLibNOV. 19, 2015 - 08:45AM JST
China won't respond militarily.
