
2015-06-09 13:08:31   

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged duringhis reelection campaign to step up settlement construction, and cabinetministers in his new government have called for more building in the occupiedterritories, which is seen as an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians.
And Israelis hoping to bring in thousands of foreign workers to accelerate the pace ofthe construction across the country and in the West Bank,media reported.
"We are negotiating with China for anagreement on the arrival of thousands of additional workers," the officialtold AFP, requesting anonymity.
"For the moment, the talks are stumbling overseveral problems, including the employment of these immigrants in settlementsin Judea and Samaria," hesaid in reference to the West Bank.
"Beijingis demanding that we ensure there are no workers in this region," headded, without elaborating.
There has been no immediate comment from Beijing, but China's position could underminelengthy negotiations between the two countries aimed at striking a labouragreement.
Under the deal the Israeli government would beresponsible for bringing foreigners into the country to work in theconstruction sector, Haaretz newspaper reported on Sunday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged during hisreelection campaign to step up settlement construction, and cabinet ministersin his new government have called for more building in the occupied territories(AFP Photo/Ronen Zvulun)
"The agreement would replace the currentarrangement, in which private companies contract directly with Chinese firmsthat supply the labour, an arrangement that has resulted in allegations ofserious violations of labour laws," the paper said.
- Growing boycott calls -

The Israeli official denied that China'sdecision had anything to do with growing calls for an economic and culturalboycott of the Jewish state.
"It is more likelylinked to Beijing's diplomatic position that supports the creation of aPalestinian state and opposes Israel's presence" on occupied Palestinianterritory, he said.
The international communityregards all Israeli construction on Palestinian land seized during the 1967Six-Day War as illegal.
Last week a row erupted between Israel and France'sOrange group, after the chief executive of thetelecoms giant, Stephane Richard, said his firm was planning to withdraw itsbrand from Israel.
His comments came just four weeks after thepublication of a report accusing Orange of indirectly supporting settlement activity throughits relationship with Partner Communications.
Israel reacted furiously, accusing Richard of succumbing topressure from the Palestinian-led boycott movement, known as Boycott,Divestment and Sanctions.
The Orange row came after Britain's NationalUnion of Students voted to affiliate itself with the BDS movement.
And on May 29, Israel narrowly avoided expulsionfrom FIFA after the Palestinians withdrew a resolution calling on worldfootball's governing body to ban their Israeli counterparts.
Settlement construction makes up around 3percent of all of Israel'sbuilding, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.
Last year the government decided to increase thenumber of foreign builders to 8,000 and later to 15,000 to boost constructionand reduce property prices which have soared in the last few years, Haaretzsaid.
Israel has bilateral agreements with Bulgaria, Moldaviaand Romania for theemployment of builders, and with Thailandand Sri Lankafor migrant farmhands.
评论: Jimguyy 2 hours ago 11支持  0反对 Migrant Chinese construction workers? 出国务工的中国建筑工人?
Joe 1 hour ago 12支持 3 反对 Slaves basically. 基本上就是奴隶。
observation 56 minutes ago 7支持 2反对 People go all over the world for jobs. EvenAmericans do that. 人们去世界各地工作,甚至美国人也做这种。
Robert F 19 minutes ago 1支持 4反对 monty j, what do you call undocumentedworkers in the US doingmenial labor? The people who complain the most are the ones hiring them. andyes, Israelis one of the few Democracies in the middle East. it appears that the Turkshave had enough Islamization of their government. Good for them. 你们怎么称呼那种在美国干杂活的无证工人?抱怨最多的那些人就是雇用他们的人。是的,以色列在中东是少有的几个民主国家之一。似乎土耳其人有了足够的伊斯兰化的政府。对他们有利。
Lil Po Peep 21 seconds ago  0支持  0反对 We called them coolies in the US. 在美国我们称他们为苦力。
Professor Q 11 minutes ago  3支持  3反对 China has aright to say anything they want ! If they don't want the business, someone elsewill . Hypocritical though, as they take land in the south china sea and buildhuge air strips on land that does not belong to them,while telling Israel youcan't build on land that you took. This whole thing theworld is all up in arms about, is not about people wanting the land . It isabout who has the land. The Muslims hate the Jews and will fight them as longas they own onefoot of the land. 中国有权表达任何他们的要求!如果他们不想做这个生意,别人还要做呢。然而这很虚伪,因为他们占据了南中国海的陆地,并在这些不属于他们的陆地上建造了巨大的跑道,同时却告诉以色列你不能在你占领的土地上盖楼。这整件事全世界都极力反对,不是因为人们想要土地,而是关于谁拥有这些土地。穆斯林恨犹太人,并且将会一直与他们战斗到底,直到他们拥有了这些土地。
Zuben 5 minutes ago 2支持  0反对 I support Israel, but they are in a touchy situation. Jewslike Chinese restaurants. 我支持以色列,但是他们处于一个棘手的状况下。犹太人喜爱中国餐馆。
Josh 25 seconds ago 0支持  0反对 China, the bastionof humanitarianism makes demands on Israel. What a joke. 中国,人道主义的堡垒对以色列提出要求。开什么玩笑。
John 2 minutes ago 0支持  0反对 The RothsChild New World Order does whatever,but soon China and Russiawill do whatever. 罗斯柴尔德的新世界秩序做什么,中国和俄罗斯就很快也会做什么。
Trolln 51 minutes ago  18支持  1 When a communist country tells you that, you know you have problems. 当一个共产主义国家告诉你那些,你就知道你有问题了。
A. Hamilton 30 seconds ago  0支持  0反对 How is it that China has come to take a MORAL stand, and stand upfor the most oppressed people on earth, while America sits by and provides aidand comfort to the oppressors? 怎么是中国占据了道德制高点,并为地球上大多数受压迫的人们而奋战,与此同时美国却坐视不管还给作威作福的压迫者提供援助以及安慰?
Dick N 1 minute ago 0支持  1反对 isn't this wonderful! Can the Israelisgovernment be any less appropriate? If there are any countries with reputationbeing bully land grabbers, it is China and Israel. Go aheadand make the world hate you two even more!!! 这难道不是很棒吗?以色列政府还能再出格一点吗?如果有任何国家顶着欺凌弱小和篡夺土地的名声,那不就是中国和以色列嘛。去吧,让这世界更恨你们俩吧!!!
RAYMOND 28 minutes ago 2支持  1反对 Good for China.Time to divest from and boycott Israeli companies and products until thisillegal and brutal occupation and apartheid system ends. 对中国有好处。到了剥离和抵制以色列公司及产品的时候了,直到非法和野蛮的占领以及种族隔离制度结束。
matthew 30 minutes ago 2支持  1反对 I was at a Chinese restaurant and saw the dog catcher unloading cats and dogs in the back of the place.!!Don't know if it was a joke or not. 我曾在一个中国餐馆看见捕狗者在后院卸载了许多猫和狗!!不知道这是不是一个玩笑。
Jacqueline 32 minutes ago  0支持  1反对 Migrant Chinese workers? Does that mean the Chinese workers willremain in Israel? The article doesn't seem clear to me as as far as I knowmigrants are people who intend to remain.
Beforewe know it there will be Chinese people everywhere. Apparently they are alreadyall over Africa.