
2015-07-16 18:44:00   


The expanding Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) alliance will create a new sphere of influence for Russia and China.


The expanding Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) alliance will create a new sphere of influence for Russia and China and threatens the US-European monopoly on power, an American economist has concluded.


The SCO is "creating a new orbit for Russia and China against the US-European alliance," said Mark Thornton, senior fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Alabama and a research fellow with the Independent Institute in California.



SCO approved entry of India and Pakistan into the strategic alliance at the summit meeting in Ufa, Russia on July 10, thus moving towards a new reincarnation of Pan-Asianism.


The organization apparently aimed to strengthen the grouping by inviting the Indian subcontinent's major nations and become truly multilateral.


"Eventually, the SCO expects to cover most of the Eurasian continent," Thornton said. "Most notably this year, they held the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting together with the BRICS conference and the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and that's very notable because it's bringing together more than half of the world's population [and] political leadership into play."


galachji 昨天的 14:47
TTIP will finish EU in less than five years once they realized the dirty zios game.A dark future awaiting you unfortunatelly.


Faiz Khan 昨天的 13:40
Hahahahaha america not longer power keep it up Russia and China ever 1 is supporting you


common sense. 昨天的 09:30
We understand, that you folks are trying to help, but come on, you are part of the problem,p5 and G.


Exorcist & Jinn & Angel 昨天的 09:18
SCO - Superbly Calibrated Organization...


Tom V. 昨天的 05:48
That is what the secretive TTIP supposed to prevent, by cementing in a master-servant corporate relationship between US and Europe.


Arian 昨天的 05:01
The sco and the BRICS are the awaiking neu out look to asian, without confronting the west but as well without being errand boys !


hassadnah 昨天的 04:22
US and EU can not enslave world population forever. China , Russia, India, Brazil and other non-alliance member must stand up against continuation of injustice enforced by US and EU against mankind.


armenovic 昨天的 03:15
The oppressed half of the world is in rebellion against the powerful US/Europe hegemony



rk roy 昨天的 02:58
And SCO will resolve Israeli Palestinian issue, just wait another 10 to 15 years.
