
2015-07-15 21:13:17   

好的,这可能是错误的!最后一季度数据表明,中国经济慢慢向前,比预期的数据快了一个百分点。根据中国国家统计局周三发布的数据,二季度gdp同比增长7%。美国网友吵起来了,themanix网友:@Amegioa 那么,请告诉我一个完全值得信赖的政府。

Well, it could be worse! The latest growth numbers show that China's economy is trundling along, expanding at a pace that is slightly faster than analysts expected.


Gross domestic product expanded by 7% in the second quarter, compared to the same period last year, according to data released Wednesday by China's National Bureau of Statistics.



China's central government has already cut interest rates three times this year -- most recently, just two weeks ago. Experts say the rate cut came earlier than expected, likely as a defense against a worrying stock market plunge over recent weeks.


Another rate cut is expected in the second half of the year, along with a reduction in the amount of cash that banks are required to keep on reserve.


"With the drag from the structural slowdown in property and heavy industry now easing, we think that growth is on track to slow only gradually over the course of the next few years," wrote Julian Evans-Pritchard at Capital Economics.



China is hoarding oil



GDP remains the most comprehensive gauge of the country's economic health -- an important number to watch as the government tries to steer the country towards consumption-driven growth.


3 hours ago
Oh and that 7% number, it is coming from the totally honest, totally trustworthy Chinese gov't.....


3 hours ago
@Amegioa Wow, you just love to disagree with every story on CNN. Why do you come here. I am still available for hugs my Illinois brother.

@Amegioa 哇,你只是不同意CNN的任何文章。那你为啥要来这儿呢。我还是会张开双臂拥抱我伊利诺斯州的兄弟。

3 hours ago
@Amegioa Then please name a totally trustworthy government.

@Amegioa 那么,请告诉我一个完全值得信赖的政府。

3 hours ago
@themanix @Amegioa Don't mind him... he's just following me around haha. He doesn't contribute anything to the discussions, just keeps insisting I'm angry and that I need a

@themanix @Amegioa 不要介意他。。。他只是追随我的足迹。对现在的讨论来说,他一点价值都没有,只是反复的表示,‘我生气了,和我需要一个拥抱'。

2 hours ago
@Amegioa Too bad CNN doesn't keep a library of your posts though. It would make for good reading when I need to fall asleep, fast.

@Amegioa 真糟糕,CNN没有一直留着你的发言。在我想睡觉的时候,你的发言可以催眠。

KaiEr .
3 hours ago
Yes, as Amegioa pointed out, we are talking about China... They have never produced factual figures (economic or otherwise). And with the state of what has been happening here, like the $3 TRILLION hit that investors took in recent weeks, the fact that China has racked up the world's largest corporate debit, or that the state government is ready to dig up Afghan antiquities just to get copper out of the ground, is it any wonder why they would give promising economic statistics?
I mean why is the CPC now pushing for people to invest in their market? Because the $3 trillion hit is going to be felt by corporations, and those corporations are in debt to their ears with Chinese banks, and the banks are all state owned.
China can offer up slower than expected growth rates, as long as those figures don't cause China to "lose face" in the rest of the world or at home. But their version of losing face is completely different than ours.
It's hurting here, and I can see it as plain as day.


Lee Jones
4 hours ago
its rigged. how can they hit the bulls-eye again.


4 hours ago
U.S. GDP (in dollars) in 1993 the year Clinton signed NAFTA=$9.65 trillion. China GDP (in U.S. dollars) in 1993 the year Clinton signed NAFTA= $5.3 trillion. Fast forward to 2013. U.S. GDP in 2013, $19 trillion while China's GDP was $34 trillion. I would say that any trade agreement that assisted China in increasing its GDP six fold while the U.S. only increased two fold is a pretty good deal for China.


Brian Perrin
4 hours ago
@wantingbalan fallacy of logic

@wantingbalan 逻辑混乱。
4 hours ago
@wantingbalan I can't find any articles to support that. I show America at $17,500 Trillion and China $10,3 for 2014 Can you show a credible source for those numbers?

@wantingbalan 我没有发现任何文章来支持这个观点。我知道2014年美国gdp17.5万亿美元,中国10.3万亿美元。你能拿出你数据的准确来源吗?