
2015-06-24 06:10:49   


Gold 2 days ago
Now, the tone from Washington has been down a little bit. Now, we "concern" China's island reclamation. We're not talking about intruding into China's 12 nautical miles of territorial sea any more. China may be just waiting for the US to intrude its 12 nm territorial sea and then raises up its voice to the whole world to hold the US for its consequences. My questions to Obama are two: Why do we concern China's reclamation activities in the South China Sea? What do we have to do there?

现在,美国的语气已经弱化了一点了。现在,我们"担心"中国的岛屿复垦工作。我们不再谈论入侵中国12海里领海的问题了。中国可能只是在等待美国侵入其12海里领海,然后对整个世界提高自己的声音,让美国承担自己带来的后果。我有两个问题要问奥巴马: 我们为什么要担心中国在南海的填海活动?我们必须对此做些什么?

Mac 3 days ago
a few days ago , every one here must feel relieve about CCP says : stop construction on dispute island
in fact , their construction is done at the most structural parts
now, you see, regardless of what ever happened they keep finishing the construction
weird thing is : how US able to believe what CCP says
they says one thing and do other
we have a massive Asian immigrant from CCP , from V.C , from N.Korea some of them make to US GOP and no one able to convince US that what we dealing now is beyond trust , faith , and fairness
hahahah , sometime being humble is killing your own family !


Thomas 2 days ago
We're troubled about what? It's called the South China Sea not the South United States Sea. In what world or dimension in space do we have the right to tell these people not to build there?? Because the Filipinos that kicked us out of Subic Bay in the 80s and the Vietnamese who kicked us out of Vietnam in the 70s don't want the Chinese there? Here's a thought, let's stay out of this and let them sort it out themselves. Maybe they should have been better allies to us in the past.


Hello 4 days ago
There is more and more depraved evil, insecurity, and corruption in all governments and in all levels of society in the world because of lack of morals, ethics and respect that are not taught in society. What can we do? If we wish to have a better world without terrible crimes, we need to practice ethics, morals, respect, tolerance and friendliness with ourselves and families and values of freedom. The more people do this, the more a real cultural change for the better can take place and it is easier to create a more full-filled, respectful and freer global society.


Locke 4 days ago
The various countries and cultures of the world don't share the same sets of morals, ethics, respect, tolerance and friendliness with ourselves that you speak of. In fact many countries and cultures reject your moral superiority in favor of their own and would fight to the death rather than change.
Other cultures would force you to accept their own values and morals and gleefully kill you if you didn't submit, ISIS, for example.


chuk 3 days ago
In USA, a whute youth has just gunned down 9 black church goers.


Bab the boon 3 days ago
Locke makes it sound that the western version of morals is the best and ideal. Subjective self opinion at best. The morals of western powers are all based on greed, racism , and a firm belief that all men (that are white western) are created equal. Hello demands that all (especially western) societies need to be a lot more honest and fair and a lot less GREEDY.


GzG 4 days ago
These headlines are only toys for the Democrats. It is a publicity stunt.
All they do is talk and lie and do nothing.
They are so worthless.


. 3 days ago
What did anybody think China built the islands for - just to abandon and take pictures of? Who didn't guess, figure, assume that China would build on the island they built?


chuk 3 days ago
To build bases to protect Chinese fishermen from being killed by Pinoy cowards. They went back to the island where they were kicked out to sing song to entertain the Vietnamese who kicked them out.


GzG 4 days ago
When they say, "The US" who are they referring to?
This administration has done nothing but watch.
Like Obama man said, "Limited Role" "Limited", which means, do nothing, and gripe.
So far this whole administration has been incompetent.


Erik 3 days ago
Nothing especially peace will be had now that China has built these outpost. Everyone will be on edge with constant probing and pestering.


chuk 3 days ago
China never harass any one. On the contrary, Chinese fishermen have been killed, robbed, beaten up, locked up and boat seized or sunk. Once the bases are complete, China will be able to respond to distress signal very quickly.


TheBoyProphet 3 days ago
China doesn't go around the world bombing countries to smithereens, murdering millions of people and stealing their oil and gold.
