
2015-05-20 15:47:22   

Russia is hoping China will breathe life into its deflated economy.


The countries are deepening their trade ties against the backdrop of a shared distrust of the United States. But Russia’s pivot to Asia is unlikely to fill the hole left by burning its bridges with the West.



17 hours ago

I think it naive to believe that Russia and China need the American and European economies. They may do better with us, but they would be OK without us.

Jared Woody
16 hours ago

@jako62 Yes, but China will suffer if they cause the US Dollar to lose value. Specifically, because of China’s currency manipulation where they have the yuan pegged to our dollar (there’s some value fluctuation, but not a ton), if the dollar drops, the yuan drops too. With China also holding a portion of US debt, and using the US dollar as it’s dominant reserve currency, they have a vested interest in keeping the US dollar strong by keeping trade open.
@jako62 是的,但是,如果他们让美元贬值,中国就会遭殃。尤其是,因为中国操纵货币盯紧我们的美元(已经有了一些浮动,但幅度并不大),如果美元贬值,人民币就会贬值。因为中国也持有一部分美国国债,并使用美元作为他们的储备货币,在保持贸易畅通并保持美元强势上,他们有着巨大的利益。

15 hours ago


Really? Who else are they going to sell to in bulk AND for a big profit? They need to deal with buyers who can export cash just because they feel like it.


17 hours ago

The world is changing. I hope the US can keep up. We don’t seem to have done such a great job keeping up with it the last 20 years or so.

Jared Woody
17 hours ago

@alphacat401 The US position has deteriorated some over the last 20 years, but we’re hardly failing as an economic power. The US maintains its position as the top economy in the world, while China only manages second place because it uses currency manipulation and other direct government interventions to inflate it’s economy.

We need to be cautious, but fears of our losing our position are overstated.
@alphacat401 最近20年里,美国的地位已经岌岌可危了,但是,作为一个经济强权,我们几乎不可能失败。美国继续维持着它作为世界顶级经济体的地位,与此同时,中国只能成为第二,因为它使用操纵货币和其他直接的政府干预手段来使经济膨胀。


17 hours ago

Of course China isn’t the answer to Russia’s economy. Both countries rely on exports. The only thing that makes this even close to working is that Russia is going to export raw materials where China exports finished products. If anything, this will make it even more difficult to diversify their economy since they just opened their markets to cheap Chinese goods.

17 hours ago

we sure don’t have any answers

17 hours ago

@laddie5000 Do we even know what questions to ask?
@laddie5000 你甚至不知道问题问的是什么?

17 hours ago

No, clearly they should go back to the American model that they followed in the 90s where there was only a couple of dozen oligarchs and the rest of the population were selling their daughters into slavery. Or better yet — they should start borrowing trillions of dollars from those very same oligarchs in order to finance their houses, cars, and even educations in order to create the illusion of prosperity.

Wages have been stagnant or have decreased for the past 30 years, but hey, at least stock brokers and investment bankers are making a killing, right?
不,很明显,他们应该回到90年代他们所遵循的美国模式,当时,他们只有几个寡头,然后其他的人民把自己的女儿卖成奴隶。 或者,更好的 —— 他们应该向寡头们借几万亿美元,为了购买他们的房子,汽车,甚至教育,来创造繁荣的幻觉。

17 hours ago

America is failing world wide but you believe your government lol

17 hours ago


Easy to make that statement, now back it up with some sort of argument.


17 hours ago

@DustinG @cvbbbx go to any country in the world and talk to the people over there-you will know.
@DustinG @cvbbbx 去世界上的任何国家,并与他们交谈——你就会明白了。

17 hours ago

@vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx whatever you say ….better get out of your bubble and visit the real world ;p
@vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx 不论你说什么。。。最好从你的幻想中走出来,感受一下真实的世界;

17 hours ago

@vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx Yet the world still wants to be like the US, wear the US, be the US….America has its faults, but most of the other “powers” had their chance in history. We’re only 200+ years old – and they strive to be us.
@vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx 然而,这个世界依然想要成为美国,穿美国的服装,做美国人。。。。美国有它的错误,但是,大部分其他“强权”在历史上也都犯过错误。我们只有200多岁 —— 他们却拼命的要成为我们。

17 hours ago

@WeePeople @vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx nobody takes away what is good here. but it is getting much worse lately. and that is a problem. Once you lose reputation it’s very difficult to get it back.

and the fact that others do something wrong is not an excuse to follow.
@WeePeople @vladdyG @DustinG @cvbbbx 没有人会拿走这里的好东西。但是,最近,我们变得更糟了。这是一个麻烦。一旦我们失去了荣光,就很难再拿回来。

Brian Lee
17 hours ago

Uh, says who ? Access to capital markets is not the only driver of economic health. In case the author hasn’t noticed, GDP is off a mere 1.5%, hardly a cataclysmic nosedive in growth. And interestingly, the ruble is rebounding against the main Western currency basket. Sub-50 to the US dollar at present. Lastly, Russia isn’t pivoting exclusively towards China. It has India, Turkey and Southeast Asia in mind, all of which the country’s signed lucrative trade deals. The West miscalculated big time. And for what, a wasteland of a nation that will cost it trillions to keep solvent if it takes on a decade’s-long job of babysitting. Kinda dumb.

17 hours ago

@Brian Lee Yea right. The sanctions against Russia are meaningless. Russia has no problems living with them. Just like Iran is doing great living under their world wide sanctions. Do tell.
@Brian Lee 是啊,没错。对俄罗斯的制裁毫无意义。俄罗斯的生存没有任何问题。就像伊朗,遭受全球范围的制裁也活得很好。真的。

17 hours ago

@Brian Lee And Putin has thrashed his Nation for a ” a wasteland of a nation.” He is a Genius.
@Brian Lee 那么,普京已经让它的国家退化成“一个国家的不毛之地。”他真是个天才。