
2015-07-08 15:02:20   

The Ultimate Irony: Is China the 'America' of Asia?


Beijing's claims in Asia look extravagant, however, they are as valid as those made by the United States against Mexico and Great Britain in the mid-19th century.


The rising nation was full of self-confidence and determined to expand. Its neighbor refused to negotiate in a bitter territorial dispute, convinced there was no legitimate issue to discuss. The new entrant to the international order also challenged the world's greatest global power, which was forced to decide whether war could be justified against a country thousands of miles from home. The upstart's territorial claims were excessive, but no one desired a rerun of past conflicts.


Today Beijing's actions in the East Asian waters have a similar feel. The international and regional order is under strain as the People's Republic of China (PRC) has become an economic colossus with growing military might and diplomatic influence. Control of islands offer resource ownership and maritime primacy, encouraging the PRC to assert territorial claims once considered impractical or worthless.


Although America's military remains supreme, the U.S. presence no longer intimidates. Beijing has become increasingly assertive, even truculent. Analysts spin scenarios in which America and China end up at war over some "damn fool thing" in the western Pacific rather than the Balkans, as was the case in World War I.
