
2016-01-10 14:53:44   


DissatisfiedCustomer 5 hours ago
Wellgood on her. Also congratulations to her husband for his supporting her. Somepeople think that Asian women are demur and subservient but they can be strongand determined.
My wife is Thai and I'm thrilled every day at the way she applies herself. Becauseher family was poor she left school and started working at 13 when she wasfarmed out to a Vietnamese family in the area so she only has a grade schooleducation. She works hard, she learned and taught herself a foreign language.She supports her family. She prepared on her own to become a citizen (OK Ihelped but she did the work). She learned how to drive a car. She's a footshorter then me but she'll not afraid to put a boot in my behind if she thinksI'm procrastinating (which I tend to do). She loves to garden. And she puts upwith me. I respect the hell out of everything she has been able to accomplish.If Mrs Lin is anything like my wife (which I can see from the story she is)then her husband is very lucky.



HeavenDews 21 hours ago
Unbelievable,admirable, and inspiring...Lin, you should win a Nobel Peace Prize sometimes inyour life time. I think you will win if you try and help those immigrant womento Taiwan even if you are not elected.


Sam 14 hours ago
Afterover 30 years from the Year Zero declared by Pol Pot where our smartest andbrightest were eliminated, we are starting to climb out of the dark and into abrighter future. Good luck!



EricF 8 hours ago
Thisarticle is a good example of democracy flourishing in Taiwan. A democracy thatcould not be possible if China had its way with Taiwan.
