
2015-06-16 13:11:56   

MANILA (Reuters) – The Philippines will broadcast a three-part documentary to defend its position on the disputed South China Sea on Friday, countering a Chinese television series that laid out Beijing’s so-called nine-dash line claims.


The documentary titled “Karapatan sa Dagat”, or maritime rights, will be aired on state-run television as the country observes Independence Day.

这不记录片的名字是Karapatan sa Dagat(海洋权),在菲律宾独立日那天在国家电视台上进行了播放。


Kiri ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
One day, China is going to claim Philippines as a long lost province and Pinoys can happily work in China as maids.


Jack ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
Next comes the 10 dash lines n historical records that Philippines will become part of PRC’s territory.

接下来中国将根据十断线和历史记载, 把将菲律宾变成中国领土。

Serembang ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
Western news media began to criticize Aquino 3 for his irresponsible speech accusing China being Nazi and reminded him not to forget history.
In Japan, Aquino just bends over to kiss Fascist Japanese azs and did not dare to bring up the issues of Japanese atrocities that killed 110,000 Filipinos and about 10,000 F sex slaves.
What Aquino is doing now is to use China as scapegoat to diverge his TOTAL FAILURE OF HELPING FILIPINOS to have been infra structures and facilities and improved living standard for the massive % of poor despite 7% GDP growth.


JohnY ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
China started to claim these areas back in 1940s, before the UN existed. Philippines only started to claim in 1960s after UN revealed about massive resources contents in the area. But things have been cool, until recent US pivot to Asia. Philippines is dreaming that the US will fight the war against China, win the war, grab the disputed areas, and give it to them free of charge. LOL. Philippines should learn from those Saddam, Gadhafi, and Afghanistan. Last time US supported Saddam to grab the power, used to send prisoners to be tortured by Gadhafi in Libya, and supported Afghan against Soviet. Look at what happened to these guys. Philippines will soon become a proxy field between US-China, and will definitely end-up like Iraq, Libya, or Afghan.


Patek ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
Does being the 1st to claim automatically makes the claimant the rightful owner? May I know where is the logic in that?
“I saw that table 1st, so its mine!”


FredR ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
China is flexing their muscle against small countries like the Philippines and Vietnam. The Chinese cannot claim that almost the whole of China Sea belongs to them. This body of water shouldn’t be claimed by anyone. Everyone should share on the bounty of the ocean and respect their territories. Can the Greeks and Italians and other Europeans claim Mediterranean Sea belongs to any of them?


Jin Tit ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
In both the 1898 Treaty of Paris between the US and Spain and the 1946 Independence Agreement between the US and Pinoyland, the islands of Nansha were not included as part of pinoy territory. That is a fact, and pinoys are lying if they say otherwise.


Salvadord ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
The video presentations of the Philippines must be backed with incontrovertible evidence or documents such as the map of the Philippines being held in the United Kingdom which was made much earlier than China’s 9 dah line.


Emci ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
Aside from showing the documentary in the philippines please put this to you tube. If possible sent this to diffrent tv channel in the whole world. Let them know what is happening, this is our responsiblity to let the whole world know.


A Yahoo User ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
The English name is a result of early European interest in the sea as a route from Europe and South Asia to the trading opportunities of China. In the sixteenth century Portuguese sailors called it the China Sea and later to differentiate it from nearby bodies of water led to calling it the South China Sea.
Of course there was no vermin Chinese on these islands back in the day lmao. And they make up bulls@@t about sovereignty being exercised again accepting the Japanese surrender after WW2…….. lmao the Chinese didn’t win any war let alone WW2…That was won by the Allies and in particular the Asian region was freed by the Americans and the Australians. The Chinese did nothing lmao


SPaRkEr23 ? 3 days ago Report Abuse
At one side this action seems good , but concrete move is needed especially the upgrading of
Phil Navy and Coast Guard ,… the supposed PDAF budget must be allocated to Modernization of our AFP ,…
Do not buy China made products !
