
2015-03-29 21:16:02   




blazo 3 hours ago
6反对 27 支持
USA is a loser on all fronts. They lost the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya,
Yemen, Syria, Ukraine. They are second largest economy in the world, behind China. Their $ is kicked off from foreign trade contracts, of many countries, including allies. USA is on the way to lose their grip on world finance and trade. USA is losing friends, as nobody is happy to talk to USA diplomats, who speak gently, keeping knife in their hand behind spin.

Michael B 3 hours ago
3反对 29支持
Of course it is a threat to the World Bank. It is a threat to the dollar as world’s reserve currency. That status has kept the US afloat with regards to its ability to generate debt and also get a premium on the status of being de facto world’s banker. Once that status becomes seriously eroded (with twenty years), the US will experience a financial time of reckoning it has yet to incur. Even the CBO, the Social Security administration, etc. are warning of significant, unparalleled challenges. The only hope is to realize monetization of debt is a scheme that ultimately decimates many in the middle class.

ruffy 6 hours ago
27反对 19支持
Every week or so there is a story about Russia joining or forming an economic bloc with some other loser nations. How many is it now?

The Possibilities Are Infinite 5 hours ago
8反对 20支持
Obama needs to get his head out of the sand of Iran and come home to reality. During Obama’s watch, here the Russians are trying to change the World bank to China and they are close to doing it. China as the big winner will exploit all it’s clients like the Chinese bank in San Francisco. This will devalue the dollar and take away America’s lead role in the world economy. Obama has made so many enemies that the world is searching for a better way then Obama’s move forward.

Wally-T 2 hours ago
5反对 20支持
Our USA has feared the Establishment of a New World Bank and New World Reserve Currency for years. Our USA has provoked war with Russia and China to try to prevent this from happening. Our USA has started wars in the Middle East, South America and Africa because their countries refused to use the Dollar in Oil Trade.

Now that ALL of our Major Allies in Europe are joining this China-Russian Bank, forget about their support in a USA led war against Russia, China, Iran, India, North Korea, Viet Nam, Mexico, etc. They will sit on the sidelines or even be our enemies.

Alan 5 hours ago
3反对 53支持
It is a shame that the American government spends its time and tax payers tax dollars, backing coup d’états and lust for war. Countries like Russia and China have been making trade deals and getting their financial house in order.

david m 5 hours ago
8反对 44支持
when i read posts, i can easily know who is american… the really uniformed ones, the ones who still think that they are exceptional and dont realise that the rest of the world has caught up with them years ago and simply biding its time. america has bullied both its friends and enemies and now… the chickens are coming home to roost. the end of american imperialism is near. i give you less than 50 years. and dummies, it has nothing to do with obama but with your licky licky corporations who are willing to sell everyone out for their own enrichment… while you all sit around playing with yourselves.
当我读这些回复时,我能很容易知道谁是美国人… 那些穿着制服的美分,他们仍然认为他们是例外的而意识不到世界上的其他国家多年前已经赶上了他们并且在等待时机。美国威胁他的朋友和敌人,现在… 恶有恶报了。美帝国主义的末日将很快来临,我告诉你不到50年。而这些傻瓜和奥巴马毫无关系,这与那些为了他们的财富而乐意出卖你们所有人的企业有关… 而你们还帮着数钱。

RoadRules 5 hours ago
3反对 52支持
Russia AND China BOTH want to cut out the Dollar as the Worlds Reserve Fund. THATS the end game they’re both shooting for. IF enough other countries join; and IF we lose that status; it IS Goodbye United States of America. Being the worlds only Reserve Fund IS the only thing keeping the United States afloat right now; economically speaking.

tone 7 hours ago
9反对 22支持
How is Russia doing business with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime?! The liberal press have been running stories for over a year now telling us how the sanctions are working, the ruble is falling, Russia is drying up and withering away, etc… yet they keep existing, doing business, and taking more ground in the Ukraine. Will someone please tell Putin and the Russians that their ruble has fallen, and the sanctions are working, and to please commence withering away – its obvious they haven’t got the memo!
俄罗斯是如何和其他人做生意的?在哪?什么时候?自由媒体通过一年多的时间告诉我们制裁是如何进行的,卢布正在贬值,俄罗斯正在灭亡,等等等等… 然而他们还活着,做做生意,并且从乌克兰得到更多的土地。就没人告诉普京和俄罗斯人他们的卢布已经贬值,并且俄罗斯正在被制裁,并且马上就要完蛋了么?-很明显他们就根本没拿这当回事儿!

Lightning Bird 7 hours ago
4反对 12支持
just read yesturday, the rubel was on the rise, from 2014, and the sanctions aren’t reallyhurting them, but making them look at different directions, to make money

xhris 7 hours ago
1反对 9支持
Sanctions are Hurting Germany… And farmers in Europe…

Harleyrider 6 hours ago
10反对 3支持
Some of you trolls think by joining the China bank, that America is just gonna fold up? You better hope not. Remember what happened during the great depression. WW2 was started. If America was to fold now, it would have global implications and everyone would suffer.

You Russians should worry the most. China just wants your oil. They don’t even like Russians. They don’t want to move to Russia, and they would probably let the Russian people die as long as they got your oil.


H.Lee 5 hours ago
3反对 32支持
China, France, Britain and Russia are the other 4 veto powers at the UN. With the American and Japanese being the only 2 hold outs of the G-7 that haven’t joined too. There are over 30 nations that have joined, and you can rest assured all of the BRICS and Latin America will follow suit if they haven’t already. This is not just a move away from the IMF and World Bank, it’s a form of soft, (financial) war against the U.S. dollar and American global dominance.

UkroReich 6 hours ago
4反对 11支持
American corporate and imperial rulers go around the world babbling about Freedom and Economic Opportunity.
But when other countries exercise this opportunity to beat U.S. at its own game,
U.S. rulers freak out and start the next war.