日本想加入美军南海巡逻对抗中国 英网友评论惊人

2015-06-26 14:24:17   


日本自卫队海上统合幕僚长河野克俊(Katsutoshi Kawano)星期四接受《华尔街日报》专访时还说,中国最近建设人工岛的举动给日本造成了非常严重的潜在担忧。











‘Made in India’ making big splash in Chinese border town “印度制造”在中国边城引起轰动 XIASIMA, TIBET: India might be suffering USD 47 billion trade deficit with China, but it is making a big splash in this border town with several shops using ‘Made in India’ sign boards and traders cashing on border trade through the Nathu La pass. 印度也许饱受470亿美元的对华贸易赤字之苦,然而印度制造在xzXIASIMA这个边城引起巨大轰动,几家商店挂着“印度制造”的牌子,商人通过乃堆拉山口展开边境贸易。 Many shopkeepers in this small town in the centre of Tibet, who import Indian handicrafts, spices and textiles, use sign boards highlighting ‘Made in India goods available’. 在这个小城,许多店主挂着突显“有印度产商品出售”的牌子。这些店主进口了印度手工艺品、香料和纺织品。 The India-China trade through Nathu La, which is just 50 km from this town, is flourishing though it is still just around Rs 17 crore. China has opened a second route through the Himalayan pass of Nathu La in Sikkim, 4,000 metres above sea level, for the first batch of Kailash-Manasarovar pilgrims. 虽然贸易额只有大约1.7亿卢比,然而印中通过乃堆拉山口展开的贸易正繁荣起来。乃堆拉山口距离那个边城只有50公里。 中国已经为第一批前往冈仁齐波峰和玛旁雍错的朝圣者,开放经乃堆拉口岸的第二条路线,那里海拔超过4000米。 Dipak Bose (Location) India has lost completely . manufacturing industry in India has lost thousands of jobs. India has a deficit of more than $50 billion as China imports from India only natural resources but sells to India all kind of manufactured products. we gain nothing from the Indo-China trade. 印度全盘皆输,制造业丢失了数以千计的工作。 印度对华贸易赤字超过500亿美元,中国从印度进口的只是自然资源,而卖到印度的是琳琅满目的商品。 对印中贸易,我们可是一无所获。 Kushagra Mittal (Location) It’s geographically China, but people are Tibetans. 地理上是中国,但人是藏族人 syamal (usa) China’s par capita income is 6500 US Dollar, and on average is increasing 4 to 5 per-cent each year, while India’s par capita income 1400 US Dollar (Source World Bank) and it hovering around 1400 Us Dollar for last 4 years. And we have to accept the fact like Kashmir wants to merge with Pakistan, same with Arunachal Pradesh they want to merge with China, becuse the people of Arunachal pradesh see how much developments have taken place on Chinese side. 中国人均GDP是6500美元,年均增长4-5%,而印度人均GDP1400美元,且过去4年一直徘徊在1400美元左右。 况且,我们得接受一些事实,比如克什米尔想要与巴基斯坦合并,阿邦希望并入中国,当地人看到对面中国的巨大发展后不淡定了啊 NIKHIL (Mumbai) This so called border town trade is not even worth writing home about it ! 所谓的边城贸易根本就不值得一提 NIKHIL (Mumbai) Days are not far when even Chinese will ask for goods “Made in India” and goods made in India will also replace the goods made in China because of it’s lower cost. 中国人吵着要买”印度制造“商品的日子不会远了,“印度制造”也会凭借低成本优势而取代“中国制造” NIKHIL (Mumbai) Even China has to respect Made in India goods as chinese products are cheap and also of no use in long run. 就连中国也得尊重印度商品,中国商品便宜,但是长远来说不耐用。 Rajv times (Unknown) Even they are bored with chinese make 就连他们也烦透了中国造啊 zibralter () 2 days ago trade or any type of relations should not be encouraged near Sikkim with china it is threat for Indian security due to chicken-nek over their…. 靠近锡金的任何贸易不应该予以鼓励,否则会对印度安全构成威胁 swatant shakti (Unknown) Build direct high speed rail to sanghai! 修一条通往上海的高铁吧! kumarapuram dharmarajan viswanaatha (Unknown) A pleasant surprise. 一次惊喜啊 kool Indian (Noida) Once in UK I have seen a Shoe with “Made in India” tag…………………….I was full of proud at that time………………………………….. we definitely need to work on our manufacturing strength 有一次在英国,我看到了一双贴有“印度造”标签的鞋子… 当时那个满满的自豪感啊 毫无疑问,我们得加强本国制造业的力量 GIRISH B A (Bangalore) China has to respect Made in India goods as chines products are cheap but India products will be good in quality… 中国必须尊重印度产的商品。中国商品便宜,而印度商品质量好 dharman mehta (Unknown) Nathu la is indias treasury 乃堆拉山口是印度的金库啊