
2015-03-12 20:28:46   


t. c. 4 hours ago
When Japancolonial government ruled Taiwan,Taiwanese were restrictive to elementary education, with a dozen or so allowedto attend colleges of medicine and agriculture, no social science andengineering for any Taiwanese.

Taiwanese were blue-colored, Japanese were white color.
When Chiang, Kai-shih of the Nationalist started to reign Taiwan in 1945,he followed Confucius'tradition by opening up all schools to Taiwanese. He alsoreinstated another venerated Chinese tradition, the Imperial Examination, thecivil service examination. Many Taiwanese from obscure villages become judgesand civil service officials as a result. It would never have happened underJapanese colonial rule.


Keith 6 hours ago
Funny how Chinadoesn't ask the United States to participate in the warcommemoration.
If it not for the United States ending WW2 hundreds of thousands moreChinese would have died before the end.


4 5 hours ago

If it is not for the battle of midway between the US and Japannavy (which the USwon the battle) and the drop of 2 atom bomb there is no way that the Japanesewill surrender.
Also, the Taiwanese people knows that without japanese's colonize of theisland, their economy wont be like today (which the Japanese help them for thefirst few decade). and most of Taiwanese high Tech are also taught by theJapanese.
I heard my Taiwanese and Hong Kong friendsthat they hate the Chinese more them they hate Japanese.


Jia 5 hours ago
As a reminder, Taiwanis an island, The Republic of China government (aka Nationalists, the originalgoverning body of China)just happens to be residing on the island of Taiwan. My grandfatherserved with Chiang Kai-shek and fought against the Japanese invasion. To hisdying days, he always loved China.He just couldn't stand that backawards Mao and the idea of burning books anddestroying the culture of China(aka The Cultural Revolution). One day China will be united. As the peoplein China becomes moreeducated and prosperous, mainland China's government will evolve intoa Nationalists democracy model without having to go to war. When that daycomes, my grandfather (who have passed many years ago) can finally rest inpeace. By the way, my grandfather passed away in the USexactly one year when he learned my grandmother passed away in China. He wasnot allowed to visit her becuase he was a nationalists. This was back in the80's.


Akmal 5 hours ago
Its seems China thinks that they won WWII bythemselves. They didn't thing that they are beneficiary of USA victory over Japan.


eiji 5 hours ago
ROC should participate in those rally
after all, ROC is the legitimate govt of china during those period.
KMT nationalist contribution to the WW2 should not been forgotten .
well done, PRC


blue 6 hours ago
taiwan of the republic of china is the one who do the hardword back theww2 years the communist lead by mao sh1t #$%$ attack the republic while theyare fighting the japs


Rantap 5 hours ago
Thanks to the national hero General Zhang XueLiangwho brought Mao and Chiang together to form a united front to fight theinvading #$%$s, tying down a million #$%$ troops (Imperial Kwangtung army) in NE China. Yes a million #$%$ soldiers - this reduced theeffectiveness of #$%$ forces at other war fronts. All Chinese must never forgetthe great sacrifice of both the Nationalist and the Communist soldiers who laydown their lives for the Mother land.
It is highly appropriate that both PRC and ROC come together again to jointlycommemorate the end of WW2.


John 5 hours ago
No other countries want to join because it showsupport with China.The problem today is Chinanot Japan.The past is the past. Chinaland grabbing and bully is the issue. Let talk about that at this event. Whichis WWIII.


eyina 5 hours ago
China wants to show Taiwanthe machines so they wouldn't dare declare independence.
