
2015-07-19 20:37:10   




China Is Placing Africa On The Map Next To Shanghai. What's Washington Doing?



Then came China, hungry for energy and raw materials for its growing manufacturing might, in possession of a big chest of foreign reserves to pay for it, and holding a long list of state owned enterprises ready to reach out and conquer the world.

Africa became an easy, convenient target, topping the Beijing business agenda.


"Sensing that Africa had been cast aside by the West in the wake of the Cold War, Beijing saw the continent as the perfect proving ground for some Chinese companies to cut their teeth in international business," writes Howard W. French in China's Second Continent. "It certainly did not hurt that Africa was also the repository of an immense share of global resources—raw materials that were vital both for China's extraordinary ongoing industrial expansion and for its across-the-board push for national reconstruction."

"感觉到非洲在紧随其后的冷战中被西方抛弃之后,中国将那一大陆看作是中国公司在国际业务上的完美试验场,"Howard W. French在《中国的第二大陆》中写道。"这肯定也不会伤害到非洲作为全球资源的巨大存储库的地位——原材料对中国非凡的正在进行的工业扩张和全面推动国家重建是至关重要的。"

Year after year, Chinese leaders headed business delegations to every major African capital, landing infrastructure projects and trade deals, which turned Africa into China's "second continent."


Finally, globalization began to touch Africa, with trade between China and its second continent reaching close to $200 billion in 2013 – double the trade level between the United States and Africa.



But does it have the resources, the political will and determination to do so?



Kahlil Roberts 1 day ago
"For obvious reasons: poor infrastructure, low incomes, and political instability — to mention but a few."
Or how about the most obvious reason, a continent that has been stripped of its identity and resources (human and mineral) for centuries is much easier to exploit while it's on it's knees.


Panos Mourdoukoutas, Contributor 1 day ago
That, too, Kahlil. The list is long. Very long!

Kai Hunter 1 day ago
It seemed like the article was blaming the state of Africa on Africans alone when MOST of the economic problems in subsaharan Africa is a result of its not so distance EUROPEAN COLONIAL past (exploitation, drawing country boundaries that forced rival tribes to live together, displacement, etc) not to mention continued neo-colonialism….so why not edit the article to reflect West Europe's pivotal role on the shape of Africa today?


Panos Mourdoukoutas, Contributor 1 day ago
You're right, Kal. But that's not the focus of the article.


Tim Ferguson, Forbes Staff 1 day ago
With any luck, "Washington" still doesn't rule American business investment.



rainbow 23 hours ago
The West does much more for industrialized Western nations than it does for anyone else. The Western European nations exploited Africa with their colonialism and slave trade. The Western nations did nothing about either Darfur or Rwanda. Francois Hollande sent troops to Mali when they posed absolutely no threat to any foreign nation including France. Barack Obama is the first black president of the USA. That neither did anything to help Africa nor any other non-Western region in the world.


Panos Mourdoukoutas, Contributor 3 hours ago
Interesting points.



Panos Mourdoukoutas, Contributor 3 hours ago
Only time will tell Mu.
