
2015-12-13 17:28:45   


The world's second-largest economy now boasts nine companies that design and sell chips in the global top 50 from just one in 2009. Clients such as Chinese smartphone manufacturers have also helped compatriot chip designers amass a market share of almost a fifth, according to data analyst TrendForce.


IndVoter8 hours ago
What I was saying in the past is now materializing. I knew that the Communist Chinese intent for allowing Corporate America to profit in the Chinese market is the technology and manufacturing know-how transfer. Now the Communist Chinese Politburo feels comfortable that they now have everything they need to be on their own.
The best investment for Corporate America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Communist China is the creation of their own formidable competitors in the global market.


DanteDante11 hours ago
Lets see you go over to China and India to make chips and have code written because the CEO doesn't want to pay workers in the US a decent wage preferring to pocket all the money for themselves in the the form of huge bonuses. Then after stealing all the blue prints and Code China and India then set up local Companies make the stuff themselves, lockout American Corporations from their markets and dump the #$%$ back onto the American Markets thus destroying the American Corporations. Well that's Globalism for you


PeterPeter9 hours ago
This is what a true government must do. I must say the Chinese Govt' despite all the demonizing in the west, has done more to fulfill basic requirements of China than any country has in the 21st century. In the 22nd century they are going to catch and supersede most of the west.
The others, especially India, will fall way behind as it prefers to follow the outdated Socialist European models. Its leaders are pathetic and have no clue as to how the modern economy works.


Steve,中国2013年申请专利量是全世界的1/3, 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)星期二说,尽管欧洲和日本在拖延创新的脚步,中国再次强劲的引领全球增长。
日本 12.8%
南韩 8.0%
PaleMoonPaleMoon1 hour ago
Samsung has built the biggest factories in China in years.
Samsung in China has renamed itself as China Samsung.
Since South Korean parliament had approved the FTA with China days ago, South Korean would be eating Japanese lunches and dinners in China in 2015 and beyond!

DEDE6 hours ago
The communist powerhouse grows while the Parasites control the US banking, media and now government allowing for a massive shift in power from West to East.
